Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Tyler and Santa
Monday, December 3, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The "BIG" one
Friday night I decided to go and fish from the pier for a little bit. I got out there about 7 p.m. and about 30 minutes later I hooked into this nice Black Drum. It ran almost all of the line off my real and took me about 40 minutes to get in. It weighed in at 38 lbs and 43 inches long. It took forever to clean it because the scales were like guitar picks and I was trying not to mess the kitchen up to bad. I fried some of it up the next day and it tasted like a big old fish. If I catch another one I will give it away or else release it.
Our little Indian
For Thanksgiving we went to our friends Levi and Maria's. Jen and I made ham, stuffing, deviled eggs, and stuffed mushrooms. Ok, I made the ham, Jen made everyting else. We had a realy good time, there was so much good food and it was nice to get together with a bunch of old friends. Since this was Tylers first Thanksgiving, I decided to make him an indian costume. It didnt hold together very long but we managed to get a few good pictures out of it... I will never use stitch witch again.
Friday, November 9, 2007
4 month appointment
Ok let's skip the pink bottle comments! It happened to come in a 3 pack so...in reference to the 3rd picture Tyler's hair seems to be growing fast and now no matter what I do to keep it down a few minutes later it is standing straight up like a little porcupine. I thought some would get out of seeing it. This appointment was great except for the shots of course. Tyler is right on track with he development. He is now 14 lbs 11 oz and 25 1/2 inches long this is in the 50% for babies his age. Tyler is growing so fast! Here is a few of his accomplishments
* Roll over tummy to back as well as back to front.
* Hold head up and steady when upright.
* Sit up right with support. (He looks so cute sitting on the couch!)
* Grasp objects and bring them to his mouth. (This includes his feet.)
* He is fascinated by his hands.
* Will acknowledge voices and turn his head in the direction the voice is coming from.
* Squeal, coo, babble, and get excited.
* He is beginning to notice the difference between familiar faces and strangers.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Johnny Jumper
After Trick or Treating we went to Walmart and ended up getting Tyler a johnny jumper. Ken COULD NOT wait to see Tyler in it so on Thursday night he set it up while I was on the phone. When I came into the living room I asked Ken where Tyler was, he told me to turn around when I did this is what I saw! It was the funniest thing I have seen!!! His little body knocked out in that seat that is far to big for him to be in yet!!!
Trick or Treat
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Our Pumpkins
So, for Halloween this year we decided that we were going to have Tyler be a pumpkin, (maybe that was more me than we but I am only going to have so many Halloweens before the guys can decide what gory costumes to get!!!) and we couldn't resist putting him in his costume for pumpkin carving. He was not very interested in any of it, in fact he fell asleep soon after we started but it was a fun thought. I will post more of "pumpkins" pictures after we go trick or treating. (me calling him "pumpkin" was a joke I am not really that cheesy!)
Tyler got Daddy
It has been so much fun watching Tyler try new foods! So far he really likes carrots, prunes (yuck!), peaches, peas, apple sauce, and sweet potatos. He is not so fond of string beans and bananas. He actually spit his bananas at me when I gave him his 3rd bite and then refused to open his mouth unless to lauch or spit out more. This was odd because he likes the banana cereal so...
Friday, October 12, 2007
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